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9 Engaging Mindfulness Activities for Kids

Mindfulness is a practice that can benefit people of all ages, including children. It helps to cultivate awareness, focus, and emotional regulation. Introducing mindfulness activities to kids can be a fun and effective way to teach them valuable skills for managing stress and developing a positive mindset.

Here are some engaging mindfulness activities for kids:

Mindful Activities For Kids

1. Mindful Breathing

Teaching kids how to pay attention to their breath is a simple yet powerful mindfulness activity. Encourage them to find a comfortable position, close their eyes, and take slow, deep breaths. You can guide them by counting to four as they inhale, then asking them to hold their breath for a moment, and finally exhaling slowly. This activity helps kids become aware of their breath and promotes relaxation.


Mindful Activities For Kids

2. Sensory Awareness

Engage children in sensory awareness activities to help them reconnect with their senses and the present moment. You can play a game where they focus on different senses, such as asking them to identify the sounds they hear or the smells they notice in their environment. This activity encourages kids to become more present and observant of their surroundings.


Mindful Activities For Kids

3. Mindful Walking

Take children outside for a mindful walking activity. Encourage them to walk slowly and pay attention to the sensation of their feet touching the ground. Encourage them to notice the sounds, smells, and sights around them without getting caught up in thoughts or distractions. This activity helps to bring their attention to the present moment.


Mindful Activities For Kids

4. Mindful Eating

Help children develop a mindful approach to eating by engaging their senses. Encourage them to take small bites, savor the flavors, and notice the textures of their food. Encourage them to eat slowly and pay attention to the experience of eating without distractions. This activity helps kids develop a healthier relationship with food and promotes mindful eating habits.


Mindful Activities For Kids

5. Mindful Coloring

Coloring is a popular activity among kids, and it can be transformed into a mindfulness practice. Provide children with coloring sheets or mandalas and encourage them to color mindfully. Instruct them to pay attention to each stroke of the pencil or crayon, noticing the colors and shapes they create. This activity fosters focus and creativity while promoting a sense of calm.


Mindful Activities For Kids

6. Body Scan

Body scan meditation is an excellent mindfulness activity for kids that helps them develop body awareness. Guide them to lie down or sit comfortably and slowly bring their attention to different parts of their body, starting from their toes and moving upward. Encourage them to notice any sensations or tensions in each body part without judgment. This practice helps children relax, release physical tension, and develop a deeper connection with their bodies.


Mindful Activities For Kids

7. Guided Meditation

Introduce children to guided meditation by using age-appropriate recordings or apps specifically designed for kids. Guided meditations can help them relax, reduce anxiety, and improve focus. Encourage them to follow along with the instructions and notice their thoughts and feelings without judgment.


Mindful Activities For Kids

8. Yoga for Kids

Introduce children to kid-friendly yoga poses and sequences that promote mindfulness and body awareness. Yoga helps children develop strength, flexibility, and balance while also teaching them to be present in their bodies.

One way to introduce children to yoga is by engaging their imagination. Imagine them standing tall like a strong and mighty tree, with their arms reaching up towards the sky, feeling the grounding connection with the earth beneath their feet. As they take deep breaths, they become aware of the gentle breeze swaying their tree branches, in tune with the rhythmic flow of their breath.

Encourage children to explore different animals through yoga poses, sparking their curiosity and engaging their bodies. With a playful hop and a downward gaze, they can embody a curious frog, squatting low to the ground, feeling the stretch and strengthening of their legs in this pose. As they leap to and fro, their bodies become aware of the power and grace they possess.

Guiding children into a child’s pose, a gentle resting position, offers them a chance to tune inwards and connect with their own bodies. As they fold forward, resting their forehead on the ground, they can embrace a moment of calm, allowing their breath to slow and their heartbeat to steady. It is in this stillness that they learn the importance of being present, of listening to their bodies and honoring its needs.

Incorporating partner poses can also be a wonderful way to foster connection and cooperation amongst children. Imagine them standing back to back, interlacing their arms and leaning against each other, as they become a strong and supportive “tree of friendship.” They feel the support of their partner’s presence, as they build physical and emotional strength together.


Mindful Activities For Kids

9. Gratitude Practice

Teaching children gratitude is an essential part of mindfulness. Engage them in a gratitude practice by encouraging them to think of three things they are grateful for each day. This practice helps kids develop a positive mindset and appreciate the little things in life.




Engaging children in mindfulness activities can have numerous benefits for their overall well-being. These activities not only teach them valuable skills for managing stress but also promote self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Incorporate these engaging mindfulness activities into their daily routine to help them cultivate a sense of calm and inner peace.


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